"Ms. Bendixen is one of the savviest and most insightful players in the global inclusive design movement. She sees trends early and offers persistently thoughtful analysis."
VALERIE FLETCHER, Executive Director of the Institute for Human Centered Design, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
”Karin Bendixen (Bexcom) har spillet en uvurderlig rolle i tilblivelsen af projektet til Musholm Bugt Feriecenter. Hun har med sin viden og evne til at skabe rum for inklusion bidraget til, at inddragelsen af handicappede brugere blev reel og direkte forankret i projektets løsninger fra start til slut. Karin har med sit smittende engagement og direkte tilgang til brugerinddragelsesprocessen formået at skabe den til tider udfordrende kobling mellem teori og praksis - på en måde hvor vi alle har kunnet følges ad og gøre hinanden bedre!"
Founding partner, Creative Management, MA in architecture, AART architects A/S.
"Karin Bendixen is one of the most knowledgeable and expert people in Europe on the subject of inclusive design - design for all ages and abilities. Her experience in the field is rich and, in the Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design at the RCA, we have benefitted greatly from her advice and ideas as a member of our Board of Advisers over many years."
JEREMY MYERSON, Director and Chair, The Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design, Royal College of Art, London.
"Bexcom er en pionér på områderne inklusion og Design for Alle, på brugerinddragelse og på udnyttelse af samspillet mellem antropologiske, sociologiske og kreative kompetencer i udvikling af produkter, services og det fysiske miljø. Rådgivningen er baseret på mange års erfaring og tæt samarbejde med forskningsinstitutioner og praksis inden for nævnte områder, hvilket sikrer løsningernes substans og kvalitet. Samtidig sikrer mangeårigt engagement i de fora, som arbejder med udvikling af socialt ansvarlig praksis indenfor design og arkitektur, at Bexcom har direkte adgang til de fremmeste eksperter og udøvere inden for området, både i Danmark og internationalt."
STEINAR VALADE-AMLAND, CEO THREE POINT ZERO og tidligere direktør for Danske Designere.
"Grasp the concept; frame it in short, meaningful phrases: communicate it efficiently and effectively to the reader.
Simple? Yes, it sounds simple enough, but it's a true work of art (and skill). All the more so when the subject matter is design, architecture, town planing... all those creative professions that have a huge impact on our everyday lives, but that we usually only notice when they go wrong.
Open a publication in any of these fields and the chances are you will not understand what it is talking about. Unless you are fortunate enough to read one written by someone with the capacity of understanding, analysis and synthesis that has been a hallmark of Karin Bendixen's work for many years.
But that Karin brings this to her writing is not the end of the story: as the prime mover of Design for All in her native Denmark for over a decade, she has also brought the same understanding, analysis and synthesis to her task of spearheading and championing the forward development of the theory and practice of design to achieve a better society for everyone.
Every country could do with a Karin Bendixen."
PETER KERCHER, Ambassador, EIDD - Design for All Europe.
“For almost 20 years Design for All Foundation and Bexcom has worked together in several projects e.g. magazine and communication projects and in the Design for All community. Working with such a committed and passionate person for so many years made me discover the meaning of teamwork, at its best. Despite our hard work – fun has always been an important part of our cooperation.”
FRANCESC ARAGALL, President, Design for All Foundation, Barcelona.